Contact Us
John Mack
Photos: Kim Robinson
Jim Mayer
                          JKJ ARCHITECTS, PLLC
                                      Firm History

Formed in 2005, our firm combines over 130 years of Architectural experience, working on a wide variety of projects. We provide a unique & collective resource for developing solutions to meet both your design and construction needs. We have established many strong client and contractor relationships throughout the years, and take pride in serving great people in Arkansas.

JKJ’s success has been achieved by building on those strong relationships, for commitments with future Architectural projects.
Our clients become part of the "team," working alongside Architects to:
      -establish & meet a realistic budget
      -determine design needs
      -create a design concept that reflects & is driven by
          the owner's program.
We are also mindful of the contractors’ requirements for adequate construction schedules, and address the details for thorough construction documents, avoiding costly changes.